
  • Dr David Farrusseng
  • NEWS : video records of Plenary and Key-Note lectures are available at the 18th ICC-Lyon web site.
  • Words on 18th ICC « The 18th edition of ICC in Lyon has been a great success, with more than 2,300 participants coming from more than 50 different countries and particularly a large attendance of young researchers who actively participate in the scientific events and the discussion. The high level of attendance at the scientific poster sessions was very impressive. The professionalism and enthusiasm of the organisers and volunteers have allowed stimulating and intense scientific discussions. Participants have enjoyed the venue and will keep this great event in their memory. » Prof. Gabriele Centi, IACS President 2016-2024

  • IACS Chair words «The 18th International Congress on Catalysis will remind in our collective memories. Participants have witnessed an extraordinary convergence of minds that will shape the future of catalysis and, by extension, our world. As we move forward, let us carry with us the spirit of exchange and discussion that has defined this congress. Let us address the difficult questions of what we can collectively do to make a better world for everyone on earth. » Prof. David Farrusseng, IACS President 2024-2028