Its role

IACS is an association of catalysis societies from 30 countries. Its objectives is to promote scientific and technological progress in the fiels of catalytic chemistry, and specifically to provide a forum for formal and informal discussions amongst scientists and engineers from time to time (typically quadrennial) by promoting the organization of International Congress on Catalysis (ICC). IACS also aims to structure, support and defence catalysis as science and technology through out the world.


  • To promote discussions of the science and technology of catalysis and related subjects from time to time by inviting appropriate groups in various countries to organize and hold International Congresses on Catalysis at a convenient interval of years, and also to decide upon the dates for holding these Congresses,
  • To ensure that each Congress may contribute its full share toward the object above, and to maintain continuity, the Council looks after all matters concerning International Congresses on Catalysis,
  • To structure basic and scientific activities in Catalysis at the international level, especially by promoting and supporting any initiative towards regional associations,
  • To act for the defense of Science and technology, especially in the field of Catalysis and related matters, in part together with other associations concerned with this discipline